This Performance Pledge informs you of the standards of service that you can expect from the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (OFNAA). It also informs you of the steps to follow should you wish to make any comments / suggestions on the services you have received or any complaints about the way these services have been delivered.
Scope of ServicesArr

We provide the following major services:

Film Classification

  • Classifying films
  • Examining the packaging of the physical storage medium of Category III films
  • Examining advertising materials for Category III films
  • Administering the public advisory panel that provides for public participation in the film classification process

Newspaper Registration

  • Handling registration of local newspapers / news agencies
  • Issuing licences for newspaper distributors
Performance Standards and Targets (2022 - 2023)Arr
Service 2022
Performance Standards
  Targets Achievement  
Film Classification
While the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration strives to achieve the performance targets as set out below, time for processing applications for censorship may vary depending on the number of applications received and the complexity of each application. The Film Censorship Regulations (Cap. 392A) (the Regulations) provides the statutory time frames for the making of film classification decisions and issuing of different types of certificates. In case the time available for film censorship falls short of the statutory time frames, the processing of the application will unlikely be completed by the intended exhibition date indicated by the applicant. Please make reference to the corresponding footnotes for the relevant information.
Assignment of film viewing session after a film is submitted for classification 7 working days 98.5% 7 working days
Notification to applicants on film classification decisions (Note A) 8 working days 100% 8 working days
Issue of certificates of exemption (Note B) 3 working days 100% 3 working days
Issue of certificates for packaging (Note C) 2 working days 100% 2 working days
Issue of certificates for advertising materials (Note D) 2 working days 100% 2 working days
Newspaper Registration
  • Local Newspapers / News Agencies
Approval of registration (Note E) 7 working days 100% 7 working days
Formal registration 35 minutes 100% 35 minutes
Change in registered particulars (Note E) 4 working days 100% 4 working days
Searching and providing the register for inspection 10 minutes 100% 10 minutes
Issue of certified true copies of extracts from the register for Newspapers 30 minutes 100% 30 minutes
Issue of certified true copies of extracts from the register for News Agencies 30 minutes 100% 30 minutes
  • Newspaper Distributors
Processing of applications for new licences (Note E) 7 working days 100% 7 working days
Processing of licence renewals (Note E) 4 working days 100% 4 working days
Complaints against Obscene and Indecent Articles
Issue of an interim reply 7 working days 100% 7 working days
Issue of a substantive reply (Note F) 20 working days 100% 20 working days

Note A According to the Film Censorship Regulations (Cap. 392A), the making, by the censor, of a decision of the film should not be later than 14 days after a film is submitted to and accepted by the Film Censorship Authority or such a longer period as the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development may allow in any particular case.

Note B According to the Film Censorship Regulations (Cap. 392A), the issue, by the Film Censorship Authority (the Authority), of a certificate of exemption should not be later than 5 working days after a film is submitted to and accepted by the Authority.

Note C According to the Film Censorship Regulations (Cap. 392A), the issue, by the Film Censorship Authority (the Authority), of a certificate for packaging should not be later than 4 working days after the submission to the Authority of such packaging.

Note D According to the Film Censorship Regulations (Cap. 392A), the approval or refusal of approval, by the Film Censorship Authority (the Authority), of any advertising material relating to a film should not be later than 4 working days after the submission to the Authority of such advertising material.

Note E Upon applicant's submission of all necessary documents and information.

Note F Upon receipt of sufficient information from complainant.

Effective MonitoringArr
We are committed to achieving our performance standards and targets. The Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration monitors the performance of various services and publishes our achievements annually. In addition, we conduct regular reviews to assess the extent to which we have met our targets, the level of customer satisfaction we have achieved and possible measures for further improvement.
The Public's Role and Right of AppealArr

Customer feedback on the standard of our services provides important input to our service improvement process. We welcome comments and suggestions on all of our services and the way in which they are delivered. You may telephone, fax, email or write to us at the following address:

Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration
3/F, Treasury Building
3 Tonkin Street West
Cheung Sha Wan